FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Find quick answers to your most common questions here

1. How do I decide which exam to take?

An Oral Examination in English may be substituted for the Written examination if you have difficulty reading English. It contains sixty (60) questions, plus ten (10) reading comprehension questions in which you must identify job-related words.

2. Is there a time limit in which I must pass both exams?

You are allowed three (3) attempts to pass the Skills examination and (3) attempts to pass the written examination. Both examinations must be passed within the time frame defined in the eligibility route to be placed on the registry.

See Eligibility Route Rules for additional information.

3. Can I register for an exam or check my scores online?

Yes, log in to your Credentia Platform Account with Credentia.

4. What form of payment do you accept, and may I take it to the test site?

Payment for exams is made in your Credentia Platform account. Payments for testing will not be accepted at the exam. Exams are paid for by credit card or voucher when the candidate schedules the exam in the Credentia Platform.

5. What is the next test date?

Access your Credentia Platform account and click on Schedule Exam to see exam dates available to you.

6. How long will it take me to find out if I passed or failed?

Access your Credentia Platform account to view your test site exam score 24 hours after your exam. Your written/oral online exam will display whether you passed or failed immediately upon completing the exam.

7. How do I verify if I’m on the Nurse Aide Registry?

Official results can take up to one week to be received and processed. Please check your MyAlaska/MY LICENSE account or use the "Search Professional License" feature (https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/cbp/main/Search/Professional) at least one week from your test date for updates regarding your certification/application.

8. How do I change my name before or after testing?

Name changes must be completed with with the Alaska State Board of Nursing via US mail or email (boardofnursing@alaska.gov). Form 08-4843 (Name Change and/or Address Change) can be found here: https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/portals/5/pub/nur4843.pdf

9. How long will my name remain on the registry?

Initial CNA certification is valid for up to two years and will expire on every March 31st of even-numbered years. 

10. My certification expired. How do I renew it or become certified again?

Complete renewal or reinstatement requirements can be found on the Alaska State Board of Nursing website at https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/cbpl/ProfessionalLicensing/ NurseAideRegistry.aspx .

11. I’m moving to or from another state. May I perform nurse aide duties in that state?

If you are moving TO Alaska, you must have applied for and have been issued a Alaska CNA certification to practice as a CNA in Alaska. 

If you are moving FROM Alaska, you should contact the Board of Nursing or Department of Health for that state, to obtain state requirements.